Industrial Connector

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Utilise real-time and historical industrial data in Microsoft Power BI.

Additional Info

Power BI Industrial Connector


What Does the Power BI Industrial Connector do?



The Industrial App Store Power BI Industrial Connector is certified by Microsoft and was distributed with Power BI update (03/2019)


"Intelligent Plant’s Industrial App Store Connector enables Microsoft’s powerful analytics and visualizations to be applied to real-time and historical process data. Seamlessly integrate plant and corporate data and share with any colleague on any device, enabling faster, better, real-time decision making. The Industrial App Store Power BI Connector connects to Intelligent Plant’s Industrial App Store, while all data remains securely and safely on-premises...". - Microsoft

Additional Resources

Microsoft's official release notes on the Power BI Connector

Connecting Industrial Historians to Microsoft Power BI

Power BI an Alarm & Event Bad Actors

Industrial Historian data retrieval using Power BI

Alarm Analysis dashboard design insights

Connecting Industrial Historians to Microsoft Power Automate

Power Virtual Agents demo video

Power Virtual Agents blog post

How do I connect my data?

      1. Start Power BI application.
      2. Click the Online Services category and find Industrial App Store connector.
      3. Sign in using either service provided.
      4. Select the data source you would like to query.
      5. Use Tag Search function to perform tag searches or Get Data function - to get data from selected data source.
      6. Enter your tag name(s), start date, end date, function and interval/point count.
      7. Click Load to load the dataset into the dashboard.

      What's New?


      View our release notes to find out about recent updates to this app.


      Release Notes

      Ratings and Reviews

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